Archive for February 2016 | Monthly archive page

12 Huge Plot Holes in Interstellar

Feb 18

12 Huge Plot Holes in Interstellar

It might be one of the most exciting science fiction movies we are talking about, but these huge plot holes in Interstellar definitely raise a lot of red flags. Christopher Nolan is aces when it comes to creating celluloid masterpieces. From the cult favorite Memento to 2010’s Inception, he has successfully created some movies with the most everlasting impact on audiences.  However, in the case of Interstellar, even the most loyal of Nolan fans will agree that it does end up stretching science a bit too far. Of course, it is fiction – but, some things are just too hard to digest in the film.

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Feb 18

25 Awesome Things You Can Buy For Under $25

Cool stuff doesn’t have to be expensive.

A recent Reddit thread asked for the coolest products for under $25.

We chose our favorites.

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10 Best Things To Buy On Amazon Under 20 Dollars

Feb 18

10 Best Things To Buy On Amazon Under 20 Dollars

f you don’t have money to throw around on the 10 Most Expensive Items on Amazon, we guess it won’t hurt to know what the 10 Best Things To Buy On Amazon Under 20 Dollars are.

Amazon originally started out as an online bookstore, but today it is the biggest US retailer on the internet. That isn’t without reason. If you ever spent just a few hours browsing through its large base of items, you could see there are some pretty nice things to buy there. There is something for everybody. If you want to take care of your garden, they have the gardening tools. If you maybe want some tech gadget, the probability is large that they are the best buy. Our point is, if you need it, they have it.

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What Not to Buy at Walmart

Feb 18

What Not to Buy at Walmart

This article was updated on May 17, 2011.

This article is part of a package on consumers and Walmart. Read the other article, on 6 things to buy at Walmart.

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Uploaded To4 things never to buy at Costco

Feb 15

4 things never to buy at Costco

You head to Costco to stock up on staples — say, paper towels and cleaning supplies — but you walk out with three salmon filets, a tub of cream puffs, and a ream of printer paper. Why?Most of us are notoriously poor at assessing a true bargain, says C.W. Park, professor of marketing at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California, and editor of The Journal of Consumer Psychology. Seduced by the prospect of saving money, we give in to impulse buys. Eventually, we regret the purchase or throw much of a past-its-prime product away. It’s called the Costco Effect, and it’s actually part of the store’s incredibly successful retail strategy. But the effect on your wallet is that you spent more than you would have if you’d never seen that “bargain.”

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